A linen chute always is fitted to your personal needs. Hence the following drawing can give you just a rough overview of the design of a chute. On the site components you can find the single components explained in detail. On the site Configurator you can configure your chute and print. If you have any further questions don’t hesitat to ask us. We ar pleased to help you.
Usually a chute is made of tubes and tubes with throats (tubes with throates are needed for the doors later on (2)). The standad diameter of a chute is 300 mm. Other diameters are possible. Shaft base plates (3) support the chute in each storey. With help of a double clamp (4) free hanging tubes can be fixed. The upper end of the chute (1) can be closed with a head cover plate or a door can be used already. At the lower end of the chute a swinging flap, a linen bag or a laundry waggon (5) for collecting laundry can be used.
The chute can be made of pvc or stainless steel. The doors are made of stainless steel in general. In the chutes made of stainless steel bigger doors can be used due to different design. For individual colering the doors can be primer painted.